Nova Scotia has a lot to be proud of

When it comes to solving the housing crisis, Nova Scotia has a lot to be proud of.

We have:

  • People getting involved to advance solutions in their communities.

  • Projects that are creating good jobs for local workers and building homes for our neighbours.

  • Companies that are using new ideas to build the kinds of homes we need.

It was an honour to acknowledge some of the people, projects, and companies from home who helped inspire federal policies at a recent national press conference.

I want to say thank you to folks like John Wesley Chisholm, Dora Construction Ltd, Coady’s Place, Nova Scotia Co-operative Council, Sprout Dwellings, JonesCo Builders, and everyone at home who is doing their part to help their communities.

They may all be from Nova Scotia, but I know their ideas will help achieve progress in every corner of the country.


Budget 2024: Fairness for Every Generation


Introducing Canada’s Housing Plan